Former Main Publications
Direct reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into functional skeletal muscle progenitors
Bar-Nur, O*., Gerli, M.F.M*., Di Stefano, B., Almada, A.E., Galvin, A., Coffey, A., Huebner, A.J., Feige, P., Verheul, C., Cheung, P., et al.
Stem Cell Reports 10, 1505-1521 (2018).
#Selected for “Best of Stem Cell Reports during 2018-19” and featured in an inaugural journal issue.
#F1000 Prime Recommendation (rated “exceptional”), 11 Jul 2018; 10.3410/f.733206005.793547934
#Press release (Harvard University).
#Patent application- Harvard University / MGH.
*Equal contribution.
Lineage conversion induced by pluripotency factors involves transient passage through an iPSC stage
Bar-Nur, O., C. Verheul, A. G. Sommer, J. Brumbaugh, B. A. Schwarz, I. Lipchina, A. J. Huebner, G. Mostoslavsky and K. Hochedlinger.
Nat Biotechnol 33(7): 761-768 (2015).
#“Research highlight”, Nature Methods 12, 701-707 (2015).
#”New & Views”, Genes & Diseases doi:10.1016/j.gendis.2015.08.001
Small molecules facilitate rapid and synchronous iPSC generation.
Bar-Nur, O*., J. Brumbaugh*, C. Verheul, E. Apostolou, I. Pruteanu-Malinici, R. M. Walsh, S. Ramaswamy and K. Hochedlinger
Nat Methods 11(11): 1170-1176 (2014)
*Equal contribution.
Global indiscriminate methylation in cell-specific gene promoters following reprogramming into human induced pluripotent stem cells
Nissenbaum, J*., O. Bar-Nur*, E. Ben-David and N. Benvenisty
Stem Cell Reports 1(6): 509-517 (2013).
*Equal contribution.
Molecular analysis of FMR1 reactivation in fragile-X induced pluripotent stem cells and their neuronal derivatives
Bar-Nur, O., I. Caspi and N. Benvenisty
J Mol Cell Biol 4(3): 180-183 (2012)
#"News & Views", Future Neurology.
Epigenetic memory and preferential lineage-specific differentiation in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from human pancreatic islet beta cells
Bar-Nur, O*., H. A. Russ, S*. Efrat and N. Benvenisty.
Cell Stem Cell 9(1): 17-23 (2011).
*Equal contribution.
#”Issue highlight: lineage tracing across 10 years” Cell Stem Cell (20, June 1, 2017).
Differential modeling of fragile X syndrome by human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells
Urbach, A*., O. Bar-Nur*, G. Q. Daley and N. Benvenisty
Cell Stem Cell 6(5): 407-411 (2010).
*Equal contribution.
#"Research highlight", Nature Cell Biology 12, 530 (2010).
#"News & Views", Regenerative Medicine 5(4) 497-499 (2010).
Clone- and gene-specific aberrations of parental imprinting in human induced pluripotent stem cells
Pick, M*., Y. Stelzer*, O. Bar-Nur*, Y. Mayshar, A. Eden and N. Benvenisty
Stem Cells 27(11): 2686-2690 (2009).
*Equal contribution.
Former Other Publications
Probabilistic Modeling of Reprogramming to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Liu, L. L., J. Brumbaugh, O. Bar-Nur, Z. Smith, M. Stadtfeld, A. Meissner, K. Hochedlinger and F. Michor
Cell Rep 17 (12): 3395-3406 (2016).
A Serial shRNA Screen for Roadblocks to Reprogramming Identifies the Protein Modifier SUMO2
Borkent, M., B. D. Bennett, B. Lackford, O. Bar-Nur, J. Brumbaugh, L. Wang, Y. Du, D. C. Fargo, E. Apostolou, S. Cheloufi, N. Maherali, S. J. Elledge, G. Hu and K. Hochedlinger
Stem Cell Reports 6(5): 704-716 (2016).
Nanog is dispensable for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells
Schwarz, B. A., O. Bar-Nur, J. C. Silva and K. Hochedlinger
Curr Biol 24(3): 347-350. (2014).
Genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus in pluripotency, differentiation, and reprogramming
Apostolou, E., F. Ferrari, R. M. Walsh, O. Bar-Nur, M. Stadtfeld, S. Cheloufi, H. T. Stuart, J. M. Polo, T. K. Ohsumi, M. L. Borowsky, P. V. Kharchenko, P. J. Park and K. Hochedlinger
Cell Stem Cell 12(6): 699-712 (2013).
A molecular roadmap of reprogramming somatic cells into iPS cells
Polo, J. M., E. Anderssen, R. M. Walsh, B. A. Schwarz, C. M. Nefzger, S. M. Lim, M. Borkent, E. Apostolou, S. Alaei, J. Cloutier, O. Bar-Nur, S. Cheloufi, M. Stadtfeld, M. E. Figueroa, D. Robinton, S. Natesan, A. Melnick, J. Zhu, S. Ramaswamy and K. Hochedlinger
Cell 151(7): 1617-1632 (2012).
Aberrant epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes is reversed by direct reprogramming
Ron-Bigger, S., O. Bar-Nur, S. Isaac, M. Bocker, F. Lyko and A. Eden
Stem Cells 28(8): 1349-1354 (2010).
The anti-apoptotic gene survivin contributes to teratoma formation by human embryonic stem cells
Blum, B., O. Bar-Nur, T. Golan-Lev and N. Benvenisty
Nat Biotechnol 27(3): 281-287 (2009).